Sunday, July 29, 2012

Dream: Jesus in My Car

                                                                                                                                  Dec. 21, 2006

I’m driving a compact/mid-size car and Jesus Christ is in the passenger seat!  We’re in San Francisco, which becomes Houston, as well.  I am just elated, and I ask him all sorts of questions about his past and present self.  He is cool to respond. 
As I ask, a former scene comes to mind: a conversation among friends, some with much more Biblical knowledge than I. 
One man said, “You know, Jesus and his brothers were raised as Christians.”
I and others balked at this, “How can that’ve been?”
We realized that there are newly unearthed texts about him.
Another person said, “I read that he was a good singer.”

As we spoke, this image appeared:  A bust of Christ is being formed out of gray clay – being shaped by many hands. …By our hands?

Back in the car.  I question Christ so much that I realize I missed my workplace, where I’m supposed to drop him off.  (It is now supposed to be a stop for both of us, and it blurs into “home”).  Christ folds his arms in irritation, for I am now lost. 
He says, “You know, not everything you and your friends said about me is true. For instance, I did sing in a school choir, but I wasn’t really good at it.  And anyway, you guys are missing the point. None of these particulars really matter.* 
Stefan, you’re missing the point.”

Jesus is a medium-built man in his early 50s, short, dark hair, clean shaven, contemporary attire (jeans & sweater).

* = This line may have been a clarifying thought just after waking.
Christ kind of resembled a friend (E) I had just recently become acquainted with; a new member of the UU choir.  A friend I have since gotten to know very well, who challenged me & really questioned my decision to become a Catholic, & who wondered whether or not it was a mistake.

Preface to the Dreams in REMpath

Out of all of the bizarre, fantastic and illustrative dreams, all of the sorting through and processing of family, work, relationships, etc.,  my focus here will mostly be on fairly explicit ones with spiritual/religious, philosophical, and even psychic elements.
The personal is universal, so I hope these will resonate somewhat with others. 
Kernels of truth are  inside each one of them!

Keep in mind that although some religious symbols and references will be mentioned, they may not represent themselves per se.  For example, just because Christ appears in a dream, he is not simply a representation of Christ specifically, but perhaps the dreamer’s highest self / highest potential, or a notion of the personification of divine energy, or all of the above.

Some dreams will be proceeded or preceded by notes, in italics, meant for clarification, or to show links to other dreams or waking-life events.

Useful autobiographical details to keep in mind:

  I am a gay Mexican-Italian male artist.  A fraternal twin.

  Lived in Houston, Texas until 2000, then moved to San Francisco, California.

  Mother died in April 2004

  Modern Spiritualist upbringing. Involved in a Spiritualist study group off and on from  
   2003 - 2011.  

  A Unitarian Universalist from around 1994 – 2011 (sang in UU choirs).

  Underwent Catholic conversion process (RCIA) from October 2010 – April 2011.
    Baptized Easter Eve, April 2011.
       Although Christianity has fascinated me since childhood, and I have associated
       closely, and occasionally worshipped with, Catholics for years (especially since    
       2001) - as late as 2009, I barely fathomed I’d actually ever finally convert!