I’m driving a compact/mid-size car and Jesus Christ is in the passenger seat! We’re in San Francisco , which becomes Houston , as well. I am just elated, and I ask him all sorts of questions about his past and present self. He is cool to respond.
As I ask, a former scene comes to mind: a conversation among friends, some with much more Biblical knowledge than I.
One man said, “You know, Jesus and his brothers were raised as Christians.”
I and others balked at this, “How can that’ve been?”
We realized that there are newly unearthed texts about him.
Another person said, “I read that he was a good singer.”
As we spoke, this image appeared: A bust of Christ is being formed out of gray clay – being shaped by many hands. …By our hands?
Back in the car. I question Christ so much that I realize I missed my workplace, where I’m supposed to drop him off. (It is now supposed to be a stop for both of us, and it blurs into “home”). Christ folds his arms in irritation, for I am now lost.
He says, “You know, not everything you and your friends said about me is true. For instance, I did sing in a school choir, but I wasn’t really good at it. And anyway, you guys are missing the point. None of these particulars really matter.*
Stefan, you’re missing the point.”
Jesus is a medium-built man in his early 50s, short, dark hair, clean shaven, contemporary attire (jeans & sweater).
* = This line may have been a clarifying thought just after waking.
Christ kind of resembled a friend (E) I had just recently become acquainted with; a new member of the UU choir. A friend I have since gotten to know very well, who challenged me & really questioned my decision to become a Catholic, & who wondered whether or not it was a mistake.